I'm a little late bu
t Alexa is already 2 months old! Unfortunately,
Alexa had to get her immunization shots so she was a little sore on the 13th. She cried while she was getting her 3 shots but as soon as the nurse was done
Alexa was fine. She really was a good girl. On the upside
Alexa can almost crawl already! Her legs move a lot, but her neck is still not strong enough to lift her head completely so when she crawls her head slides against the blanket haha. I know once her neck is strong enough to lift her head she will be scooting around the carpet in no time! That means daddy gets to vacuum more often yay! :) She can already sleep through the night! Her bedtime is at about 9:45 every night and she wakes up between 5 and 7 in the morning. I love this stage! We are so lucky to have such a great beautiful baby! She is so much fun!
I can't wait for summer time so she can go in the pool! :) Fun! Fun! Fun!
Ahhh she is so cute! I can't wait to see her next month! :) Thanks for updating us!