Saturday, April 2, 2011

T♥Ball - Game #2

My little cousin, Jocelynn, just started her T♥Ball so today my parent's, Alexa, and I went to game #2. It was so much fun watching the little kids play T♥Ball. I can't wait to watch Alexa play in sports or other activities that she is interested in. I hope I have a boy, so I can see him play in sports too. My uncle is one of the coaches and Jocelynn's mom is a team mom. I hope that I can be one of those moms that supports the little kids and tells them to run when the batter hits the ball. It was really cute to see them all scramble around for the ball. I would like to try and make it to every game, so I hope the weather stays nice enough for Alexa and I to go. After the game my parent's took Alexa and I to Olvera Street in LA. We always eat in this little hole in the wall place across from the train station. I have been going there every since I was a little girl. After we ate we left and visited my grandparents graves. We cleaned and left a rose at my grandpas grave then we left to go clean and leave roses at my grandma and my great grandmas graves at another cemetery. Thank goodness that that was our last stop because Alexa fell asleep in the car and I grew very tired on the way home.
Some of the pictures are a little grey because I was taking them through the fence.

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