Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Belle and Ariel

A couple weeks ago I went to Hollywood to celebrate my friend's bachelorette party and as we were driving past Los Angeles I mentioned this little hole in the wall street called Olvera Street. For all of you who know me I love this street because there is a place I get Mexican food and I LOVE their taquitos! My mouth is watering as I'm typing this. Anyways, I mentioned it and the girls were all up for trying my place out. They liked it and after we decided to walk to China Town since it was right across the street. It was a different experience that's for sure. It didn't smell good and we saw a lot of weird people. More than usual in Los Angeles. However, they did have great deals on clothes and such. One of the things that I saw that I just had to get were little turtles. I instantly fell in love with how small and cute they were and for $5 I thought it was awesome! Plus it was only $1 for their food so why not get them. Well, it wasn't such a great deal because I forgot to think about what was going to happen as they grew, haha. I talked with my brother, the animal/reptile expert pretty much, the next day and he said that the turtles I got were slider turtles and I basically bought them illegally because they are not to be sold that little. That is why you see them bigger in pet stores. Plus they are stinky pets and as they grow I would need to buy a bigger tank so they can swim and I would have to clean the tank constantly. I thought about the cons for a second and thought yeah they had to go. I already have 3 people and a dog that I look after and pick up after and I can't handle another thing to take care of more than I thought I would. Anyways, Matthew found a lady that takes these turtles in and finds a good home for them so he met her at her part-time job at Prehistoric Pets and that was the end to our foster pets Belle and Ariel. It was nice having them, but it was also nice to have them gone and in good hands. Here are some pictures before they left so we will never forget that mommy did something stupid and bought turtles. I actually may have done these turtles a favor in buying them and giving them away to the lady that we did because these poor things were sitting in the sun, in hot weather, in China Town so I may have saved their lives and now they can live the 30+ years they were meant to live! Just not at my house! :)

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