Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Puppy Teeth

I never knew puppies can lose their teeth like humans do! I have grown up with dogs all my life and I never knew this until we got our puppy Roxy. On the first of July Matthew got up from the couch and stepped on something sharp he looked down and it was one of Roxy's teeth. We got a little nervous so we called the vet and she laughed in a nice way and said that puppies do lose their teeth. At first we thought that maybe her bones that she chews on were really hard and so that is why it fell out. Thank goodness that wasn't the case. Then last night Matthew sat on the couch and felt something sharp and saw that she lost her other tooth. :) I saved them in a bag and wrote on the bag the dates we found them.

This is how tiny her teeth are compared to a Hot Tamale
Side view
Top/side view

1 comment:

  1. Hahaha, that's crazy! (Thanks for the hot tamale as a comparison.)
